Simply Toogood - Peter Toogood's Life in Golf

Price: $30.00 (Hard Cover), $75 (Leather Bound) add $15.00 for postage & handling

Peter Toogood MBE is a member of an extraordinary family of golfers. Since the 1890s, they have distinguished themselves as both professionals and amateurs. Toogood is among Australia's finest amateur golfers. He is a former Australian and New Zealand amateur champion and a multiple winner of the Tasmanian open and amateur championships. He was leading amateur in the 1954 British Open (twice in the Australian Open) and a member of the Australian team that won the inaugural Eisenhower Trophy world teams championship at St Andrews in 1958.

Toogood represented Tasmania as a state player for more than 30 years and was embroiled in many golfing controversies. He wrestled with the decision to turn professional, founded the Australasian Golf Museum at Bothwell in Tasmania and had a distinguished career in education.

He was awarded an MBE for his services to education and golf in 1981 and is an inaugural member of the Tasmanian Sporting Hall of Fame.

SIMPLY TOOGOOD will be relished by golf and sports enthusiasts and by readers interested in Australian biography.


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